Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mobilink Indigo Ramadan Offer

Spread the blessings of Ramazan far and wide with 50% off on all Mobilink to Mobilink calls! Enjoy this special rate from 12th August to 8th September and make the most of this offer, only with Mobilink indigo - for all your todays and tomorrows.

  • All customers who are on i-Initial, i-100, i-400, i-900, i-1500 and i-Unlimited (Basic+Premium) are eligible for this product
  • After subscription, customers can make calls at 50% discounted rate from 5 PM to 12 AM.
Subscription Mechanics:
  • Customer will call at 111 to subscribe to the product
  • Customers will be charged onetime nonrefundable fee of Rs. 40 upon subscription.
  • Standard Government taxes apply to the above mentioned charges